Thursday, October 29, 2020


This week we did kiwisport. For kiwi sport I learned how to defend attack and plant the ball in touch.

How I plant the ball when I get tagged I have to drop the ball on the ground and the enemy can take the ball or your team mate can grab the ball.

How I attack by running on one side and passing it to your team mate when the defender tries to tag me I pass it to my team mate.

How I defend I have to tag my enemy to do that I can tag them before they pass to their teamate.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


LI to determine the insulate properties of materials.

Insulators are used to stop heatfrom moving place to place.

Five materials were tested for there ability to insulate : glass, plastic metal, paper, and by polystrene.

The best insulater for keeping things warm was glass and polystrene.

The best insulater for keeping things cold was metal, paper, and plastic.

Plastic to keep things cold is the best one. polystrene is the best one to keep things hot.

Touch Rugby

Today we learned some basic skills for touch rugby.

First we learned how to tap the ball, cacth, and pass the ball.

Afterwords we played passing drills to get better at commiting to the ball and catching.

I loved this activity because it was my first time playing touch and I learned a lot.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Today we practeced throwing and catching and running.

First we did catching we throwed the ball up in the air and caught the ball ten times then we ran at the same time backwards.

Next we got a buddy my one was carson we practiced throwing the ball to each other untill we got good at it.

Then we played a game we put the balls in the hoops.

When you had the ball you could not move youre buddy went to a hoop and you have to pass it to him and he puts it down in the hoop.

It was very fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


For inquiry this week we did an experimint for measuring

First we got a big measuring cup and a small measuring cup.

We put 100ml of water in the big measuring cup and poured it in the small measuring cup.

Next we had to put 50gr of sand in the jar by having a cup full of sand and pouring 50gr of sand in the jar using a spoon.

Next we had to put them on the scale to find if it was correct.

After that we had to put the water in the jar with the sand to see if the sand absorbed some of the water. We had to remove the water that didnt get absorbed.

And the water that did get absorbed was 16ml and the water that didnt get absorbed was 84ml.