Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Balancing -Teamwork

We learnt how to balance when catching and throwing frisbees then we practiced our teamwork.

We practiced our balancing by catching frisbees and also by throwing them.

Then we practiced our teamwork by playing a game where you pass the frisbee to each other and tried throwing it in the net. We jumped so we could stop and face towords the side so we could get a good posistion to throw the frisbee into the net.

Then we had to chase the frisbee before it touched the ground and stop moving when you catch the frisbee.

I need to inprove on my stopping and balancing becuase when I was catching the frisbee I couldn't stop moving.

Maori questions

For maori we wrote questions of where food is supposed to go for example kei hea te.../where is the. 

Then we answered the questions useing roto runga and waho .

Next we put pictures onto a slide to tell where food goes for example banana/ panana, frezzer/ pouaka makariri

We used the maori dictionary to see how to say fruits in maori.


We learned about the units of Measurement.

We had to write the short veirsions for the units, for example millimetres = mm.

Next we measeured two things in the classroom to see how many centimetres (cm) the objects were.

Then we had to write how many millimetres you need to make 1 centimetre (10mm)  and 100 centimetres makes 1 meter and 1000 metres make 1 kilometre.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Balance callange

We made our own challenge based on balancing.

First, we planned out what challenge we were doing. Our plan was to stand on one leg and swing our arms back and forth while holding the bottle.

Next, we tested out our challenge by avoiding our tipping point while making the bottles touch each other.

Lastly, we took a photo and recorded our results and we made our poster. 

I need to get better at my print design rules becuase I was struggling with my print resign rules.


Thursday, June 3, 2021


I learnt about prepotions in maori.

I learned how to say left (maui), right (mato), above (runga) by playing a game called maui and mato where we had to move a stick left or right.

Next I answered questions to tell where items were by using prepositions.