Thursday, November 26, 2020

Names and Conversations

This week we carried on with the past three weeks trying to understand names by using the  dictionary. We also learned maori conversations.

First I used the dictionary to search up the names to make them english then I put them on the doc for example If I searched up the Maori name Maaka it will come up as Mark.

Second for the conversations we had to connect the words to the sentences and we had to remember them to memorise the words.

I liked the conversationds becuase it was easy to remember an I learnt new sayings.

(Touch Rugby) Kiwisport

First we practiced  two man and three man settles to get ready for a game of touch.

Couch Mark told us to aim for one person when we drive the ball down the feild

Next we played a game of touch. The game was learning how to play and how to use a two and three man settele.

I need to practice my three man settle becuase I think it someone elses turn but its my turn. I am good at my two man settles.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


This week for kiwisport we practiced then we played a game of touch.

First we practiced our three man settle then we practiced our two man settle.

Then we practiced our defence and our attacking.

Next we did catching and throwing my buddy was Naki.

Then we played the game. 

We had to have a attack and a defence team every time we swich sides. then you have to get to the end of the feild and place the ball down.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Athletics points

This week for math we added up the athletics day points and we added it up by using repeated addition.

To add the points and put them all together I used repeated addition. I was in the blue team the winning team was yellow with 186 points.

We tied with second with the green team we got 182 points in the blue team, they got 182 in the green team, then red team lost with 176 points.

Then we averaged how many points we got on each game by using repeated addition. 

Our average points was 20.2 in the blue team.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Screenplays means it is a script,with scene directions like what they are saying.

Also a screenplay is a script of a story.

I used it to know who is speaking by puting the person that's speaking name on top of what they are saying with full capital.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Film festival

This week we went to Sylvia Park Hoyts Cinema to wacth the 13th Manaiakalani Film Festival. There was a bunch of diffrent schools there. 

The first film was our one it was about farzana walking in the classroom and didnt sanitise then evryone got sared and ran out the classroom.

My favourite film was the stay at home rap by Tamaki College becuase it helps people know to stay at home if the virus is getting bigger.

I loved it so much becuase you can see people working togther being nice and about lockdown.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


For Maori this week we learned how to say peoples names.
We used the dictionary to search up the Maori names to the English ones for example, I searched up a Maori name like Pita then I switched the language to English and the name was Peter.

We had to put the Maori names to English names in the slide by using the dictionary if we did not know the names in Maori.

Another example the names that sound siamialer in Maori and english are probably the same.

Next we played a game we had to move left (maui) and right (matau) in Maori if you let go of a stick you lose. It was very fun.

LI To learn Maori names

Monday, November 9, 2020

Making connections

For making connections I was supposed to link a text to something I did my self in real life for example in the text it says you can't wear this clothing in Egypt eg in real life women are not allowed to wear shorts in Egypt.

Then we did text to world. It means What in the text links to something you know happens in the world, but not with your personally

After that we did text to text means. What in the text links to another text you have read.

I found it easy to get the links becuase i live in a intersting country.


Today we did maths. We went in a group of the same learning we did for week one and week two so we can learn stuff that we have not learned.

I went in week 2 with the money group.

They taught me stuff that I did not know. 

Money works in the place value system. New Zealand currency work in the 100’s place value system.  In New Zealand we use cents and dollars. NZ currency is 10 cents, 20 cents, 50, cents, one dollar, two dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 20 dollars, 50 dollars, and 100 dollars.

Money helps you use place value like If you buy a packet of pods that is 12.50 and you pay it with 20 dollars, the amount of money you get is 7.50

20 - 12.50

20 - 0.50 = 19.50

19.50 - 2 = 17.50

17.50 - 10 = 7.50

So 20 - 12.50 = 7.50

I like how we shared learning to learn other stuff. Spelman was very good at teaching becuase he used the whitebourd to be a good example. I learned how much a teacher struggles.

Banknotes in circulation - Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Table mat

This week for reading I did a table mat about this book Just like new.

First we read a book called Just like new. It's about a girl that want's a new dress but she can't adored it so she always has to make her own dress. Then I started writing prior knowledge.

Next I wrote key words. One of my key words was occasions. Occasions here is one word similar to occasions is rude.

Lastly I wrote my 4 facts. One of the facts was the first ever dress to be made was tar khan dress.

I really enjoyed learning about reading and I also like to read.    

Thursday, November 5, 2020


This week, our company (Life Savers) brainstormed ideas for an emergency shelter design. We needed to think of the structural shape and design of the emergency shelter. We also needed to think about what our shelter will be designed to resist.First, we sketched on a piece of paper of what shape we're doing for our emergency shelter, and my group picked a triangle. This is because a triangle have sharp points and it can make things slide down from it

Next we used a software called sketchup to make a 3d design of our shelter. Sketchup is a program that allows people to design and create anything they want in three dimensions.

We decided to make the shelter out of tungsten because it is strong and brick because it is thick. We think these are suitable materials for water and wind natural disasters.

Some changes that we want to make are making the shelter big because it looks small and want to make the inside spacious so that we can put that things we need to survive 

The size of the entrance is 2.15 meters and the size of the shelter is 3.45 meters just in case of an emergency. The walls of our shelter are pretty thick because the shelter is made out of tungsten brick. There should be windows so that the people inside the emergency shelter are aware of what is happening and can identify if it is safe to exit the emergency shelter. The windows should be fairly big, about 2 meters so that people can see out of them clearly. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


For maori this week we learned how to say peoples names.
We used the dictionary to search up the maori names to the English ones for example I searched up a maori name like Ripeka then I swicth the language to English and its name was Rebecca.

We had to put the mauri names to English names in the slide by using the dictionary.

Duffy theatre

We wacted a performance by the duffy theatre group about the coggan. a coggan is a mythacal creatcher that is a mixcure of a cat dog and a chickin.

Before the show the actors introudosed them self.

Then we sang the duffy song.

Then the acors peformed for us.

Lastly the duffy group held a question and answer session.

I liked the performance alot becuase I felt like I was in an actual book.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Fact familys

Fact families is a easy math strategy.

You use it to know other math questions by switching the number in the questions like 2x3=6 3x2=6.

To change the answer into bigger numbers you have to add a zero in to the first nuber number and it will be sixty if the answer is six and keep how much your multiplying the same.

Here are some examples

7x2=14             2x4=8            5x2=10           3x6=18

2x7=14             4 x 2=8          2 x 5=10         6 x 3=18

70x2=140         20x4=80       20 x 5=100    30x6=180

2x70=140         4 x 20=80     50x2=100     60x3=180