Monday, May 31, 2021


This week we learned reflection, rotation, and translation.

A reflection is when you take an image for example you have your hand to the left and the reflection flips it over to the right.

A rotation is taking an image then turning it around.  In real life you can turn 90 degrees, 180 degrees, or 360 degrees.

Translation is when you move from left, right, forward, and backwards, you are sliding the image.

Main ideas

The book Bright Fine Gold is about gold miners in caves mountains.

cuase and effect

We wrote a cause and effect sentence for each of our mechanisms 

I wrote the mechanisms for how chocolate is made and how fireworks work.

I wrote the mechanisms and used cause and effect to put inside the mechanisms. 

Chocolate is made by roasting the cocoa beans and removing the nibs in order to blend it to form a liquid.
You then pour it into a mold so it can set. The shape and size of your mold effects
The chocolate that results when you put the chocolate in the frezeer to harden.

Cylindrical paper containers are used in order to hold all the firework parts together.
The fuse is used to create delays in order for the firing of multiple firework displays.
The bursting charge is used when the explosion goes off sometimes stars are included with the reaction.

Next time, I should work on my mechanisms to add more information.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

I worked on a can-do called Basic Facts Boxes

I did the speed demon challenge. I did addition up to ten.  

I did the speed demon challenge, I did addition up to ten.

My time was 4 minutes and 55 seconds I got 100 out of 100 corecet. Next time I will improve my time by

practicing at home and at school.


Yesterday I watched a video of an introduction and wrote hooks. 

First we got to practise writing hooks by writing hooks about our teacher. Hooks catches people's attention by using surprising facts and a question.

Next we wrote hooks about how chocolate is made, the life cycle of a butterfly and how fireworks work.

After that we wrote an introduction for the 3 texts.

Did you know that butterflies only live for a few weeks? The butterfly life cycle starts with an egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and a butterfly. Did you know that it takes 28 to 30 days to complete the life cycle.

Did you know it takes about 400 cocoa beans to make one pound of chocolate. Chocolate is made by roasting cocoa beans, removing nibs and lastly blending the nibs to form a chocolate liquid. The chocolate takes 5 or 8 days depending on what chocolate it is.

Did you know that fireworks were made over 2000 years ago. The parts of a firework are the cylindrical paper container with string, a fuse, a bursting charge made with gunpowder and stars for the reaction. This process only takes 2 hours.

Next time, I should work on my introduction to add more information.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Simple machthins

Did you know that there are 3 similar simple machines. They are: wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines were used to make work eaiser.

Monday, May 24, 2021


A idiom is a phrase that has a diffrint mening to a sentence.


Calenders show us the day,week or month.

There are twelve months in the year, they are; January February March April May June July August.

Months have 28,30 or 31 days.

There are number patterns on a callender by looking For Four connecting days for example 20,60,100

Knowing before and after number sequence and 7 timestables reading a calendar.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Cuase And Effect

We learned what cuase and effect is.

First we put an explanation back to together.

Next we learned about causal languge It is a word that  goes  in betwen a text , for example I ate becaue I was hungry. 

We had to put the the life cycle of a butterfly text in order.

then we had write cause and effect sentences about the life cycle.

The three simailor simple machins

The wedge pulls stuff apart, the lever helps lift heavy obgexts, and the inclided plane helps you move somthing from high to low.These are simaliar simple machins.

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Key words

A keyword is a word that has a lot of meaning for a text.


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I practiced a can-do called Basic Facts Boxes

I did the speed demon challenge. I did addition up to ten.  

My time was five minutes and 53 seconds I got 100 out of 100 corecet next time I will go on a harder slide and improve my time by practicing at home and at school.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021


I learnt tei rio maori preposistions.

I learnt tenie means here tera means over there and tena means there.

I need to inprove by practicing at home or school.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


I learned that Predicting is guessing something before you know it.

I made predictions from a story called Winter Sports.

I need to get better at predicting by practicing at home.


Group B learned to balance and we learned how our body works 

Balance is keeping your legs and body straight, we got pushed and tried to keep straight.

Then we did a bench actvity, two people try to cross the bench with out toching the ground.

Next we had to balance on a ball. I had two people hold me to until I get my balance on the ball.

I need to improve on my balance becuase on the ball activity I could not keep my balance I will try to practice.

simple machines

A simple machine is a machine that helps move an object.

There are six simple machines a lever ,screw, axel and wheel, inclined plane, wedge, and a pulley.

A lever is a simple machine that help you lift big objects.
A screw is a simple machine that holds things together. 
A axel and wheel is a simple machine that can move heavy things. 
The inclinded plane is a simple machine that helps move objects from a low level to a high level easier.
A wedge is a simple machine that helps push things apart.
A pully is a simple machine that lifts things up and down they use a pully on a crane. 

These 6 machines are still used today to move objects.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Maori countries

For maori I learned questions with fye odie.

The first question I learned was ko muramu it means do you understand.

The next question I learned was kau mutu it means finished.

Maori questions are hard I need to get better at them by practicing on my parents.