Today this task for SLJ is Insect Art.
First we watched a video showing an artist making insects from leave's, twigs and other thing in nature.
I made my insect from 8 twigs, 4 small spiky leaves, 1 tiny pine cone, and 1 empty nut shell.
I am a Year 6 student at Panmure Bridge School, Auckland, New Zealand. My teachers are Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie.
Today this task for SLJ is Insect Art.
First we watched a video showing an artist making insects from leave's, twigs and other thing in nature.
I made my insect from 8 twigs, 4 small spiky leaves, 1 tiny pine cone, and 1 empty nut shell.
First we had to Insert a photo or a screenshot of our optical illusion.
Then we had to create a optical illouson and explain what it does.
My opticall ilusion makes it look like its infenite
Today I finished another task of the summer learnig journey
First I had to listen to the viedo tknow what words we had to put on
Then we had to put the maori words into the correct gaps.
Today for summer lurning journey we comented on someones blogpost.
I commented on Room 2 the feed back i gave them was to try to explain why they had fun, and to try to write more.
Our Inquiry task was to create a presentation of our shelte design to persuade the client (Panmure Bridge School represented by (Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie) into building our structure.
We had 3 minutes to present it but on the lack of time my group did not finish presenting it. We got feedback at the end.
When the time was up for our presentation we got a little bit of feedback about our shelter that protects against earthquakes and our presentation. The feedback they gave was: To get prepared for the creitera.
I enjoyed this because i got to see what having a job is like.
For summer learning journey we created a kowhaiwhai.
It is a type of koru with inside lines.
we made a patern of the koru on the doc.
For summer learning journey we did a scavenger hunt in the classroom.
We had to find foil paper a spoon cardboard and a can and a rope.
We found cardboard also paper foil a rope and a can we missed the scissors and a spoon.
This week we matched up translations of Auckland Maori place names with the English place names.
We looked at Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) place names, checking their meaning and matching the translation to the place.
I enjoyed trying to find out where the right places go and learning what some of the places mean.
For summer learning journey this year we did art colouring book.
We had to choose an image to colour.
Download a copy to your Chromebook Take a screen shot of the original art.
Then you need to Describe why you chose a different colour for one of the objects in the painting.
I enjoyed it because it was very easy and I got to know about the big ben tower
This week my group started filming we used Wairakas narrative. I was the camera man.
Before filming we practised our lines.
We used our story boards to know what location that we are going to film at. Then we started filming the scenes of Wairakas narrative.
I found filming fun but hard because sometimes we forgot what to say. It was also hard to control the camera.
LI: To film a screenplay