Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ Insect Art

Today this task for SLJ is Insect Art.

First we watched a video showing an artist making insects from leave's, twigs and other thing in nature.

I made my insect from 8 twigs, 4 small spiky leaves, 1 tiny pine cone, and 1 empty nut shell.

SLJ - optical illusion

First we had to Insert a photo or a screenshot of our optical illusion.

Then we had to create a optical illouson and explain what it does.

My opticall ilusion makes it look like its infenite

SLJ maori words

Today I finished another task of the summer learnig journey 

First I had to listen to the viedo tknow what words we had to put on

Then we had to put the maori words into the correct gaps.

Comments Count

Today for summer lurning journey we comented on someones blogpost.

I commented on Room 2 the feed back i gave them was to try to explain why they had fun, and to try to write more.

Fishing false theeth

First we had to read the story of the fishing false theeth.

Then we had to anser qeusteions about the story i found it very hard.

Our question was what did they play in the story a fisher a shop kepper and a taxi driver 


Our Inquiry task was to create a presentation of our shelte design to persuade the client (Panmure Bridge School represented by (Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie) into building our structure.

We had 3 minutes to present it but on the lack of time my group did not finish presenting it. We got feedback at the end. 

When the time was up for our presentation we got a little bit of feedback about our shelter that protects against earthquakes and our presentation. The feedback they gave was: To get prepared for the creitera.

I enjoyed this because i got to see what having a job is like.

SLJ kowhaiwhai

For summer learning journey we created a kowhaiwhai. 

It is a type of koru with inside lines.

we made a patern of the koru on the doc.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Summer Learning Journey Scavenger Hunt

For summer learning journey we did a scavenger hunt in the classroom.

We had to find foil paper a spoon cardboard and a can and a rope.

We found cardboard also paper foil a rope and a can we missed the scissors and a spoon.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020


This week we matched up translations of Auckland Maori place names with the English place names.

We looked at Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) place names, checking their meaning and matching the translation to the place.

I enjoyed trying to find out where the right places go and learning what some of the places mean.

Art colouring book

For summer learning journey this year we did art colouring book.

We had to choose an image to colour. 

Download a copy to your Chromebook Take a screen shot of the original art. 

Then you need to Describe why you chose a different colour for one of the objects in the painting.

I enjoyed it because it was very easy and I got to know about the big ben tower

Tuesday, December 8, 2020


This week my group started filming we used Wairakas narrative. I was the camera man.

Before filming we practised our lines. 

We used our story boards to know what location that we are  going to film at. Then we started filming the scenes of Wairakas narrative. 

I found filming fun but hard because sometimes we forgot what to say. It was also hard to control the camera. 

LI: To film a screenplay

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Names and Conversations

This week we carried on with the past three weeks trying to understand names by using the  dictionary. We also learned maori conversations.

First I used the dictionary to search up the names to make them english then I put them on the doc for example If I searched up the Maori name Maaka it will come up as Mark.

Second for the conversations we had to connect the words to the sentences and we had to remember them to memorise the words.

I liked the conversationds becuase it was easy to remember an I learnt new sayings.

(Touch Rugby) Kiwisport

First we practiced  two man and three man settles to get ready for a game of touch.

Couch Mark told us to aim for one person when we drive the ball down the feild

Next we played a game of touch. The game was learning how to play and how to use a two and three man settele.

I need to practice my three man settle becuase I think it someone elses turn but its my turn. I am good at my two man settles.

Thursday, November 19, 2020


This week for kiwisport we practiced then we played a game of touch.

First we practiced our three man settle then we practiced our two man settle.

Then we practiced our defence and our attacking.

Next we did catching and throwing my buddy was Naki.

Then we played the game. 

We had to have a attack and a defence team every time we swich sides. then you have to get to the end of the feild and place the ball down.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Athletics points

This week for math we added up the athletics day points and we added it up by using repeated addition.

To add the points and put them all together I used repeated addition. I was in the blue team the winning team was yellow with 186 points.

We tied with second with the green team we got 182 points in the blue team, they got 182 in the green team, then red team lost with 176 points.

Then we averaged how many points we got on each game by using repeated addition. 

Our average points was 20.2 in the blue team.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Screenplays means it is a script,with scene directions like what they are saying.

Also a screenplay is a script of a story.

I used it to know who is speaking by puting the person that's speaking name on top of what they are saying with full capital.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Film festival

This week we went to Sylvia Park Hoyts Cinema to wacth the 13th Manaiakalani Film Festival. There was a bunch of diffrent schools there. 

The first film was our one it was about farzana walking in the classroom and didnt sanitise then evryone got sared and ran out the classroom.

My favourite film was the stay at home rap by Tamaki College becuase it helps people know to stay at home if the virus is getting bigger.

I loved it so much becuase you can see people working togther being nice and about lockdown.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020


For Maori this week we learned how to say peoples names.
We used the dictionary to search up the Maori names to the English ones for example, I searched up a Maori name like Pita then I switched the language to English and the name was Peter.

We had to put the Maori names to English names in the slide by using the dictionary if we did not know the names in Maori.

Another example the names that sound siamialer in Maori and english are probably the same.

Next we played a game we had to move left (maui) and right (matau) in Maori if you let go of a stick you lose. It was very fun.

LI To learn Maori names

Monday, November 9, 2020

Making connections

For making connections I was supposed to link a text to something I did my self in real life for example in the text it says you can't wear this clothing in Egypt eg in real life women are not allowed to wear shorts in Egypt.

Then we did text to world. It means What in the text links to something you know happens in the world, but not with your personally

After that we did text to text means. What in the text links to another text you have read.

I found it easy to get the links becuase i live in a intersting country.


Today we did maths. We went in a group of the same learning we did for week one and week two so we can learn stuff that we have not learned.

I went in week 2 with the money group.

They taught me stuff that I did not know. 

Money works in the place value system. New Zealand currency work in the 100’s place value system.  In New Zealand we use cents and dollars. NZ currency is 10 cents, 20 cents, 50, cents, one dollar, two dollars, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 20 dollars, 50 dollars, and 100 dollars.

Money helps you use place value like If you buy a packet of pods that is 12.50 and you pay it with 20 dollars, the amount of money you get is 7.50

20 - 12.50

20 - 0.50 = 19.50

19.50 - 2 = 17.50

17.50 - 10 = 7.50

So 20 - 12.50 = 7.50

I like how we shared learning to learn other stuff. Spelman was very good at teaching becuase he used the whitebourd to be a good example. I learned how much a teacher struggles.

Banknotes in circulation - Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Table mat

This week for reading I did a table mat about this book Just like new.

First we read a book called Just like new. It's about a girl that want's a new dress but she can't adored it so she always has to make her own dress. Then I started writing prior knowledge.

Next I wrote key words. One of my key words was occasions. Occasions here is one word similar to occasions is rude.

Lastly I wrote my 4 facts. One of the facts was the first ever dress to be made was tar khan dress.

I really enjoyed learning about reading and I also like to read.    

Thursday, November 5, 2020


This week, our company (Life Savers) brainstormed ideas for an emergency shelter design. We needed to think of the structural shape and design of the emergency shelter. We also needed to think about what our shelter will be designed to resist.First, we sketched on a piece of paper of what shape we're doing for our emergency shelter, and my group picked a triangle. This is because a triangle have sharp points and it can make things slide down from it

Next we used a software called sketchup to make a 3d design of our shelter. Sketchup is a program that allows people to design and create anything they want in three dimensions.

We decided to make the shelter out of tungsten because it is strong and brick because it is thick. We think these are suitable materials for water and wind natural disasters.

Some changes that we want to make are making the shelter big because it looks small and want to make the inside spacious so that we can put that things we need to survive 

The size of the entrance is 2.15 meters and the size of the shelter is 3.45 meters just in case of an emergency. The walls of our shelter are pretty thick because the shelter is made out of tungsten brick. There should be windows so that the people inside the emergency shelter are aware of what is happening and can identify if it is safe to exit the emergency shelter. The windows should be fairly big, about 2 meters so that people can see out of them clearly. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


For maori this week we learned how to say peoples names.
We used the dictionary to search up the maori names to the English ones for example I searched up a maori name like Ripeka then I swicth the language to English and its name was Rebecca.

We had to put the mauri names to English names in the slide by using the dictionary.

Duffy theatre

We wacted a performance by the duffy theatre group about the coggan. a coggan is a mythacal creatcher that is a mixcure of a cat dog and a chickin.

Before the show the actors introudosed them self.

Then we sang the duffy song.

Then the acors peformed for us.

Lastly the duffy group held a question and answer session.

I liked the performance alot becuase I felt like I was in an actual book.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Fact familys

Fact families is a easy math strategy.

You use it to know other math questions by switching the number in the questions like 2x3=6 3x2=6.

To change the answer into bigger numbers you have to add a zero in to the first nuber number and it will be sixty if the answer is six and keep how much your multiplying the same.

Here are some examples

7x2=14             2x4=8            5x2=10           3x6=18

2x7=14             4 x 2=8          2 x 5=10         6 x 3=18

70x2=140         20x4=80       20 x 5=100    30x6=180

2x70=140         4 x 20=80     50x2=100     60x3=180

Thursday, October 29, 2020


This week we did kiwisport. For kiwi sport I learned how to defend attack and plant the ball in touch.

How I plant the ball when I get tagged I have to drop the ball on the ground and the enemy can take the ball or your team mate can grab the ball.

How I attack by running on one side and passing it to your team mate when the defender tries to tag me I pass it to my team mate.

How I defend I have to tag my enemy to do that I can tag them before they pass to their teamate.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


LI to determine the insulate properties of materials.

Insulators are used to stop heatfrom moving place to place.

Five materials were tested for there ability to insulate : glass, plastic metal, paper, and by polystrene.

The best insulater for keeping things warm was glass and polystrene.

The best insulater for keeping things cold was metal, paper, and plastic.

Plastic to keep things cold is the best one. polystrene is the best one to keep things hot.

Touch Rugby

Today we learned some basic skills for touch rugby.

First we learned how to tap the ball, cacth, and pass the ball.

Afterwords we played passing drills to get better at commiting to the ball and catching.

I loved this activity because it was my first time playing touch and I learned a lot.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Today we practeced throwing and catching and running.

First we did catching we throwed the ball up in the air and caught the ball ten times then we ran at the same time backwards.

Next we got a buddy my one was carson we practiced throwing the ball to each other untill we got good at it.

Then we played a game we put the balls in the hoops.

When you had the ball you could not move youre buddy went to a hoop and you have to pass it to him and he puts it down in the hoop.

It was very fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


For inquiry this week we did an experimint for measuring

First we got a big measuring cup and a small measuring cup.

We put 100ml of water in the big measuring cup and poured it in the small measuring cup.

Next we had to put 50gr of sand in the jar by having a cup full of sand and pouring 50gr of sand in the jar using a spoon.

Next we had to put them on the scale to find if it was correct.

After that we had to put the water in the jar with the sand to see if the sand absorbed some of the water. We had to remove the water that didnt get absorbed.

And the water that did get absorbed was 16ml and the water that didnt get absorbed was 84ml.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The gruffalo

First we had to open a slide that had the drawings that we had to do. 

Next we had to pick a space we wanted to draw.

We chose k it had the mouse and grass and leaves.

We drew the mouse first then we drew the grass second.

Then we drew the the letters then the path and the leaves.

kids voting

For reading this week we had to write a summary about governing topic.

Governing topics or policies are actions that political parties want to put into action when they get into power. The 2 most important governing topics to me are Education and Media, culture, and recreation.

Media, culture, and recreation mean different Systems spreading important information about news, culture and recreation activities. 

Community and Inclusion are important to me because there are people that need fair treatment. Health is also important to me because I want my family and myself staying healthy.

For example education the goverment should spend more money on schools,for health keeping people healthy and energized.

Making smores

 LI: to demonstrate prior knowledge 

For inquiry we did a group activity about safety plans. There was two safety plans.

One of the safety plans was the fire plan. The second safety plan was the food plan.

The hazards was the fire sticks and the students.

The risks are passing out from the smoke from the fire and getting burnt.

After we finished the safety plan we made the fire from wood paper and a lighter.

The ingredients for the smores are marshmallows and biscuits and chocolate sauce. We went to the fire and melted our marshmallows on a kebab stick.

We put the melted marshmallows on the biscuits and put chocolate sauce on the biscuits.

And it tasted Amazing.

Thursday, September 17, 2020


Today I had to rewrite the story in a diffrent viersion

I changed the snake into a crocodile.

First part I changed was the mouse was falling down a waterfall on a log when he fell on the log he got knocked out. 

When he woke up he was at a swamp where the crocodiles live.

He jumped on everysingle crocodile but he fell on the last one.

He got away by lying about a gruffalo I changed the gruffalo by saying he haid spikes all over his back and sharp teeth and his favourite food is crocodile cake.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Making connections

LI To rewrite a naritive.

Text to Text means making a connection of one story to another story that is very simailer to the first story.

For example in the Gruffalo a mouse on a journey through the forest, in the story of the three princesses they also went on a journey to find there new home.

Text to self means the story links to your life. 

For example in the story of The Gruffalo the mouse lied to get out of a bad situation. i lied to my mum to make her feel better by saying that she did not get made fun of.

Text to world links to stuff that happen in the world.

For example the mouse met the gruffalo and said he was the scariest animal in the forest the squirrel told there kids the story when people tell scary stories to other people it gets stuck in there head.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hasard and risks

We learnt how to identify the risks that hazards can cause. We used our prior knowledge to understand this activity more.

First, we talked about identifying what hazards and risks are. Hazards are something that can be used to cause harm or pain, and risks are the possibility that something will happen and cause harm or pain.

Then, we focused on finding four hazards at home, four hazards at school, four hazards in sport and four hazards in our community.

After that, we worked on identifying the risks that the hazards cause. We put our understanding of each risk and hazard into a slideshow.

The slideshow shows what the hazard is and the risks that the hazard can cause. The hazards are: sticks, keys, students, cleaning spray, siblings, toaster, pets, open windows, mud, mouthguard, arrow, oxygen tank, dust, gas, wet grass and floods.

This purpose of this activity is to use prior knowledge to understand the risks that hazards can cause.

LI: to demonstrate prior knowledge.


Character Description

A character description creates an image or picture by giving information of the characters appearance, experiences and personalities.

The appearance description tells about what the face, hair, body, and the clothes look like.

The experience description gives information about where they live, their friends and family, their interests, hobbies or talents, their secrets or special achievements.

The personality description explains what kind of person they are, what they say, what makes them different or interesting and how they behave.

In a character description, people use literal and figurative language. Literal language goes straight to the point. Figurative language means to unlock or find the meaning.

L.I.To write a character description.

Monday, August 10, 2020


A metaphor is a comparison of two things with a similar quality by saying one object is another.
A metaphor is a kind of figurative launguage.

For example: Dayton is a thorn in my side. The meaning is thay Dayton is annoying. The comparison is a thorn. The main object is Dayton.

Another example is: the cookies have rainbow of flavours. Meaning there is a lot of flavours.
The comparison is a ranbow of flavours. The main object is cookies.

Another example is: her voise was music to my ears. Meaning her voise was really good.
The main object was her voise. The comparison is music to my ears.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Rahi and the Putuparhe

This week we were learning to summarise.

We also needed to link visualisation and inferring to help us.

We filled in a story web to summarise each part of the story.

I used my visualising from week one to help seperate the parts of the story.

I used my charecters inference trait to use adjectives and evidence to help summarise diffrent parts.

LI to summarise using visualising and inferencing.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Today I practiced my water safty at the Lagoon pools.

The first skill I practiced was safe entry. To do safe entry I turnd my back around and went in the pool smoothly.

Then I practiced streamline kicking. To do streamline kicking I put my arm in front of my head and swam.

Lastly I practiced backstroke kicking. To do backstroke kicking I held my kickboard above my knees. On my back I kicked my legs. I kept my face out of water

I got better at backstroke kicking. I need to improve my streamline kicking.

LI: to develop knowledge of water safty.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Similes are comparisons of two things using "like" or "as...as".

When describing an action in a simile use as. For example: the lady swam like a fish.

When describing an verb in a simile use "like." For example: the frog and the lily pads are as green as a leprechauns hat

LI to describe things by simile

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Today we did swimming. I got into the big pool.

The first thing we learned was stroke with no board.

After that we learned dolphin dive. You have to go under the water and swim back up and put your bum up and down.

Thirdly we had to throw toys in the pool and had a race to get the toy and swim back a.

Next we needed to go out of the pool. We could do any type of swimming skill that we learned in the lesson.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Today I learned how to make tangrams.

I rearranged the pieces of the paper to make animal shapes.

First I made a square piece of paper because tangrams are made from a big square.

Then I folded the square into variois shapes and cut them out.

Lastly i tried to make different animal shapes from the tongram pieces.

I really loved how we did the work with a buddy from LS2.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


I learnt a reading strategy called questioning.

How I found out the answers were incorrect or correct I read the book to find out the answers.

How I knew what the questioning meant the teacher explained to me what it meant.

There are 4 different types of questions.

I had to read a book called the Healers Apprentice.

After that I had to move the questions to right there' think and search' Arthur and me' and on my own.

LI to identify question types.


There are 12 different types of tenses.

Some of the different tenses are past perfect continuous example the girl had been eating' present simple example the car arrives at the supermarket' past simple example the girl sat down.

Tenses are a type of reading strategy that helps you with your learning.

Some more examples are' past simple the boy learnt his timetables' future simple I will come to your house' present perfect the girl has gone for feedback.

LI About the tenses.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


We have been working on inferring.

Inferring is when you have an educated guess on something, using prior knowledge and reasoning.

When inferring remember to identify the image or text. For example if someone were to try use their prior knowledge on this image:

First use your prior knowledge. Someone may have prior knowledge that these are fruits that have price tags on there baskets. They might also see that the fruit has been layed out on a table.

By using this prior knowledge this could be someones inference: " I infer that someone is selling the fruits "

Thursday, June 11, 2020

volume and capacity

Volume is how much space something has. Capacity is the amount that something contain. The standard forms are ml (milliliters) and l (liters).

Estimating is a educated guess to the amount of something is. If a person knows how much space in a lunchbox is 300cm cube, then they can compare the space with a measuring tube. If they know how much water are in the measuring tube. They can make a estimation.

Converting is not easy. If a person wants to convert ml (milliliters) to l (liters) just multiply the number by 1000. If the person wants to covert l (liters) to ml (milliliters) just divide the number by 1000

LI-To explore standard forms of Volume and Capacity


I read a book and made predictions about the book grandparents day.

the first answer I did was I think the cheese muffins that grandma are making are going to burn the answer was correct.

I think  I did ok because I got 3 correct out of 6.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

masking art

In the past week we have been working on our masking art.

We used the masking tape to make shapes out of it so we didn't colour in between the tape.

I made triangles in different ways. The colours I used were: orange, dark blue, light blue, green, peach, purple and yellow.

To make this art it was very simple. We first got bits of masking tape, then we put the tape on the piece of paper and sectioned off parts.

Next we got some pastels and started to colour in the sections.

Third we took the tape off. We made sure that the tape didn't rip by taking it off very slow.

I felt really proud of my art because it didn't rip a lot.

LI: To create geometric art by using masking technique.

Find draw animate and act.

First my group and i learned about the light and sound vocabulary.

We had to put the right answers by searching it up on the dictionary so we can find the answers to the light and sound vocabulary.

The next thing we did we had to use four words that was in the light and sound vocabulary.

 We had to describe the meaning of it by finding pictures and drawing,animate,and acting.

Our words were spectrum we drew a rainbow, reflect we made a flash light that bounces back the light.

 Vibration we did a video of Spelman shaking. Echo we did a picture of someone echoing.

We learnt about the light and sound vocabulary by engaging in this activity.

Monday, June 8, 2020


Verbs are action words that describe physical, mental, and state of being words.

Physical verbs are words that describe what something or someone has done, for example: sprint. Mental verbs are words that describe someones thinking for example: visualize. State of being verbs are words that what a noun is, for example: is. 

Verbs can help people with naming their actions.

LI: To learn about verbs.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

south pacific beasts information report

Rachael Hall made a modern version of the lali, called the pato. Rachael wanted to make a modern version of the Tongan drum because she wanted to bring sounds of the digital age.

She made the pato digital so it could connect to the computer.

the musical instrument’s name and type of instrument

Name instrument
drum  pato
the instrument that inspired this new one
Inspired instrument
log drum
three new innovations this instrument uses
log drum  lali  
the designer’s name and culture
culture, heritage, background, name, called, capital letters
Tongan  Rachael  Hall.
where the designer studied.

study. learn, school, university
the reasons for modernising the lali

modernising   lali
the tools used to make the instrument

wood chainsaw
what the designer intends to do next with the instrument
next after second
play it